
The once and future… whatever, we’re back anyway!

So the 10-day vacations ended and amounted, in the end, to nothing special apart from sleeping 12 or 13-hour periods and having the weirdest nightmares ever. Also saw some terrific movies, read a lot, and even went back to my parents’ for a few days and got to stick with their car for the duration and it was so cool, to the point I’m actually having a hard time convincing myself that I shouldn’t buy myself one of those because it’d be so much smarter to save my money and go for the whole real state thing instead.
I mean, in the long run.
When I grow up, that is.Eventually.

Also got an MRI done on my knees the other day, on both of them. The pain has long since subsided but it still feels a bit odd and I’m sort of scared to resume running.
Of course since I also stopped working out altogether and cut back on my diet to the point I’ve actually become quite partial again to chocolate cake and ice-cream, here comes the neighborhood once more. Around my gut area, that is.

On a more sh*tty sidenote, novelist Kurt Vonnegut Jr. died the other day. Coincidentally in the same day I bought one of his books (Breakfast of Champions).
This kind of sucks because he was (is!) slowly becoming one of my favorite writers and it’s so damn sad to see such a talented man go. Sort of ups the ante on us readers you know, and more than that, for us amateur writers.

Anyway, do stick around.
We got some great stuff coming up here:

I’ll get the long-overdue reading list for Jan-Apr ‘07 up tomorrow, and next week we’re doing this very interesting and rather personal five-parter called “In the beginning” which should cover some stuff that went down in 1999 and 2000, mostly with F****, and G****, and College (brrr!) and stuff. After that, apart from the usual insanity the idea is to plunge head-on on actually writing a comic script. Or four. And walking you by the whole process.

Thanks for stopping by, and be kind to animals and old comics.