
Laying the foundation stone

See, I gotta do something about getting that apartment for myself.

Yesterday was that time of the month when I bring my stuff together and do figures. Each and every month, going for a few years now, and the answer is always the same, “Nope. Not today either.”
Then I see all those other guys with so much more luck than me, kids are what, barely shaving and suddenly having it so easy, driving the coolest cars, going to the coolest places with the coolest people, under the omnipresent aegis of daddy’s safety net; and me, I’m living in that dump downtown with say, three hundred people I barely know and working like an SOB, and that’s when I sigh and whisper something about life not being fair, and begin to lose heart.

So last night- I’d gone to the Shopping Center for dinner & people-watching as usual, and to do some reading at the food court- I stopped by the toy store and decided, what the hell, what I really need is a FOUNDATION STONE to mark where my dreams truly start.
So I bought this Superman kit thing which comes with this really cool soft plastic insignia, a life-size chest shield just like in the movie, with all those tiny-S’s etched on its surface (I gave the cape and the phony-chain that came along to the cleaning lady at the office, for her small son), and that’s my foundation stone, you know? Because I’ve always wanted to have a Superman crest on the outside of my bathroom’s door.
Like, to read “boy’s room”?

So all I need now is a bathroom door, and a bathroom, and an apartment per se. The Superman logo I already have… so kid, whatever comes your way now, you gotta remember never to lose heart, and you gotta chant it like a mantra:

Buddy don’t you lose heart… Buddy don’t you lose heart… Buddy don’t you lose heart… Buddy don’t you lose heart… Buddy don’t you lose heart… Buddy don’t you lose heart… Buddy don’t you lose heart… Buddy don’t you lose heart… Buddy don’t you lose heart… Buddy don’t you lose heart…

One day, kid, we’re gonna look back at this and it will all seem funny. We’re a day closer now.
Each day a day closer now…

Trust me on this one, and buddy don’t you dare to lose heart on me like that ever again willya. I need you to stand your ground and be a man for chrissakes so we can carve our place in the world- or etch it, just like all those tiny-S’s on Superman’s chest symbol up on your bathroom’s door, many years from now.